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"Life is not fair"

by Akwa SHOH

I have often heard people use the expression Life is not fair to situations where it seems as though things are going wrong.
I dont know how this very popular expression came about but it sounds like rubbish to my ears. What I mean is, I think Life is fair; It jhas always been fair; and it will always be fair. What do I mean?
First of all one needs to realise that every circumstance manifested physically started within, with a thought which arised from an emotion and is therefore projected to you just as you thought of it. This implies obviously that every circumstance we find ourselves in is self inflicted for each of us are the main characters of our realities. We build it to suit us and hence get to choose what part we want to play, firstly as an individual in his/her reality and then collectively as a family or nation or continent right up to planetarily.
We are all different in the sense that we are all the same  being expressing itself in different ways through out the universe.



<<Our differences bring us together, and out similarities help us cope with the differences>>

Akwa SHOH, 2013

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