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Heart of Death

by Akwa SHOH

Death, the doom word.. the word that makes everyone feel its cold breeze as it echoes unto the eardrums.

Funny enough its is the only phenomenon that we know is certain. We all will die someday, doesn't matter when it will happen anyway. And yet we still won't acknowledge it as a part of us, we cast it away into the shadows and dread the day it comes. Needless to say we forget that we belong to each other, yet we don' t own each other. We are all one, yet entirely unique, and like the sun rises in the morning and falls in the night, our light is rises at birth and sets at our death, marking the end on a cycle. A cycle unique to its owner, a legacy imprinted in the universal mind for eternity.
Why then should i fear death, why then should I fear its presence. Rather that living everyday like its my last, I would prefer to live everyday like it is my first. Wouldn't You?

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