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The Black Birth

by Akwa SHOH

Theres a lot going on out there, there's wars, strikes, death, lots of things that are generally called bad nowadays, As well as a lot of beautiful things happening around us, good music, the thrill of nature the intensity of the blue sky, the golden rays of the sun, the beauty of our shadows under the moon just to name a few. Needless perhaps to say the lives we live depends only on the choices we make, the races we decide or choose to run, for causes that do our heart justice. Causes that make us feel strong in the beautiful world although seeming broken. Perhaps because we all know deep in our hearts that no matter which games we decide or choose to play in, we all need each other to be characters of any kind we choose in our drama of life. Through the darkness we see the light, and from the darkness we walk into the light, in love.

The Black Birth.

Enjoy the rest of the day.

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